Bob's Pickle Juice Pickleback Shot Brine Back Shooter (1 Liter)

Sold by Pickle Addicts

$ 24.99

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Bob's Pickle Juice is made from dill pickles, and it is the perfect addition to your Martini Cocktail (Pickletini anyone?) or shoot it after a shot of whiskey as the highly popular a pickleback shooter!

What is a Pickleback? From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: A pickleback is a type of shot wherein a shot of whiskey is chased by a shot of pickle brine. The pickle brine works to neutralize both the taste of the whiskey and the burn of the alcohol.

Pickle Juice is also a popular sports drink!! The use of pickle juice as a defense against muscle cramps first attracted headlines when the Philadelphia Eagles credited pickle juice with their cramp-free win over the Dallas Cowboys in the over-one-hundred-degrees Texas heat. Rick Burkholder, the Eagles€™ head trainer, called it his "€œsecret weapon."€ Pickle companies claim that pickle juice is similar to an isotonic beverage and can prevent muscle cramps caused from strenuous exercise. A study was done to substantiate these claims! See study results here:

Additional info

Makes great cocktails!

Delicious secret ingredient in marinades, dressings and salads!

Zero Fat & Zero Sugar!

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