• 10 Top Types Of Pickles! Posted on February 27, 2014

    10 Top Types Of Pickles! We want to know what your favorite type of pickle is. How do you eat it? Do you make them yourselves or do you buy them? I have created a list of the different types of pickles that are the most common for us to enjoy.

    1. Bread & Butter Pickle- A type of sweet pickle which is sweet-and-tangy. These types of pickles are cut into thin slices, usually with waffle-like edges are used in sandwiches, burgers etc.
    2. Candied Pickle- This is a type of sweet pickle that is found packed in a extra-heavily sweetened liquid.
    3. Dill Pickle- The dill pickle is the most commonly used and known type of pickles.
    4. Fermented or Processed Pickles- This type of pickle is fermented with salt and vinegar is added.
    5. German-Style Dill Pickle- This type of pickle is unfermented but still uses vinegar to pickle the cucumber. This allows for a less sour taste.
    6. Gherkin- This type of pickles is actually a specific species of pickles. It is best known for its small size. These types of pickles can be dill or sweet.
    7. Half Sour Pickle- The half sour pickle does not use vinegar to season it and they are refrigerated for the entire pickling process. These type of pickles are the firmest and crunchiest.
    8. Kosher Dill Pickle- These type of pickles are made with a large amount of garlic and have a stronger flavor then regular dill pickles.
    9. Sour Pickle- Sour pickles remain in the pickling process longer then most pickles, the longer they remain in the brine the sourer they become.
    10. Sweet Pickle- This pickle is made with vinegar, sugar and spices.

    • Comments
      • I love sour pickles and can’t seem to find any commercially made that equal the sourness of the commercial jarred pickles of my youth. How would you categorize the sourness of your pickles. I have begun making them at home but haven’t yet produced the quality I desire.

      over 6 years ago
      • This web page really helped me grow my knowledge! Thank You SOOOO Much!!! <3

      about 5 years ago
      • Name all home made pickles !

      over 4 years ago
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