These are INCREDIBLY easy and so freaking delicious...are you ready?
3 ice cream buckets of English cucumbers
2-3 garlic bulbs
Large bunch dill (or a few smaller ones...dill is good!!)
8 cups sugar
8 cups apple cider vinegar
8 cups water
1 cup pickling salt
Clean cucumbers well, slice to about 1/4 inch thick, and place in roaster(s). Separate and peel garlic cloves and smash them a bit to release their flavor. Wash dill. Divide dill and garlic equally among 3 clean ice cream buckets. Bring sugar, vinegar, water and pickling salt to boil. Divide brine equally between two roasters (unless you fit the cukes all into one) and place roasters in 250*F oven for 30 minutes. Immediately transfer pickles to ice cream buckets with dill and garlic in them, dividing pickles and brine equally between the buckets. Place buckets in fridge and let sit for 1 week (if you can) or at least a few days!
thanks to: